Shape Changer Series

A sketch is made of some basic shapes. This form is then redrawn on film or paper, which is then cut

The cutting and manipulating process is an important time for changes, alterations and experimentation since the small model’s material will usually act like the sheet metal, rubber, or high tensile steel used for the final form.

At this point, it is already possible to see the interplay of line, light and basic shapes and to continue with changes and alterations that optimize these effects.

Each piece is designed in stages, each stage increasing the scale.

What begins as a design consisting of two basic shapes can be manipulated in endless ways for different effects.

These steps lead to the assemblage of a larger model (shown below at 2’0″ x 3’6″ x 2’8″ with a potential of being scaled up to 4’0″ x 7’0″ x 5’4″ for the final piece.

“Shape Changer 1”

The Shape Changer in its final form can also be manipulated